Time Away is an online journey into Australia's wilderness

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Safety in the bush

Danger lurks!

There is nothing more important on a trip into the bush than your personal safety. Time Away covers several matters relating to this subject. Click the link below to get the whole picture.

Vintage Radio

Valve Radio

Explore Australia's broadcasting and manufacturing heritage at Vintage Radio, Australia's most comprehensive informational display of these valuable relics. Here you will find lots of photos, information of historical value and advice on some of the aspects of restoration and even how to go about starting a collection of your own. Vintage Radio also contains a dedicated forum to allow discussions and questions relating to all aspects of antique wireless receivers and transmission of radio in general.

Recent Threads

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Quick links to the most recent five forum articles appear here automatically. Just click on the "More" link to read the full article plus any comments left by Time Away members. To leave a comment yourself you will need to register.

Bindo Creek or Millionth Acre? The choice was easy

We managed to dodge the rain with this one - a short camp but quite productive and enjoyable. Dave a... More

Lake Wallace and Dunns Swamp

A two-ground camp has been in the planning for a couple of weeks and last Friday it was time to get ... More

Camping in the Snowy Mountains

It was time to return to the Snowy Mountains for a three nighter. I'd originally planned to stay the... More

It's 2024 and time to camp again!

The first camp of 2024 saw me heading back to Hill End for a night. This time I broke with tradition... More

Hill End, NSW - definitely and positively, the last camp for 2023

I was successfully tempted to throw in one last getaway for this year and managed to slip out of tow... More


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